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‘I’m going to have to let you go’. There’s no nice way of being fired, although some dismissals are likely to be more civil than others. If you’ve just been let go from an employer, you’ll most likely be feeling a lot of negative emotions. It’s important to not let these emotions result in you doing something potentially even more destructive. Here are some of the important things to consider once you’ve been fired.
Keep it off social media
Resist telling the world that you’ve just been fired – it could have consequences later down the line. Badmouthing an employer publicly on Facebook could stop you ever getting a reference from that person. It also won’t look good to your next employer (many employers check the social media pages of applicants nowadays to get an idea of who they’re hiring). In fact it’s best not to mention it on social media at all as it could be dragged up at any later stage. Your next employer may not ask why you left your previous job, so don’t give them a way of finding out on their own terms.
Know when to pick battles
Even if your previous employer was a terrible person, think twice before picking a battle with them. You employer may have put a clause in the employment contract making any badmouthing suable. At the very least, you’ll never get a good reference off them. Sites like Glassdoor may be an option for giving an anonymous review. There are of course times when you should take a previous employer to court, such a case of poor health and safety or an unfair dismissal in which you were bullied out. There are plenty of unfair dismissal lawyers – Anderson Gray are just one company that specialises in this law. This could even help to fund you whilst unemployed and looking for a new position.
See the positive side
Getting fired can be a positive experience. If you didn’t enjoy the job, it could feel like a burden has been lifted without having to go through the tough step of resigning that others have to negotiate. You often get unemployment compensation when fired, which you don’t get when resigning yourself. It can also be a chance to discover why your weren’t the right employee for the job, how your skills may be better suited elsewhere and which skills you need to work on.
Get back on the horse
Start looking for a new job straight away. A period of long unemployment after being fired will look bad on your – by going out job hunting a couple days after being fired it show you’re enthusiastic and willing to work. Being fired doesn’t mean you’re unemployable – it simply means that that specific job wasn’t right for you. Start looking for different roles and see what fits.
Be honest with future employers
In many cases you can hide the fact that you were fired by not mentioning it. However, if an employer explicitly asks why you left your last job, you may want to tell the truth rather than conjuring up a lie. You don’t want an employer to ask for a reference or ring up the employer only to discover you lied. Employers will respect honesty and you’ll feel better if you get the job.