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For all intents and purposes, the basic analogy that can describe the customer and business relationship is two strangers, meeting at night to kiss. Both entities don’t need to have any kind of formal past to like each other. You need only to meet once and make an exchange, so you each get what you want and then leave silently. Except businesses don’t want it to end like that and although it’s within their right to treat you that way, customers don’t want it to end either.
So what keeps them coming back to business? Like the emotion of love, at first you can’t seem to explain, but slowly and surely you work out it’s all just chemicals. For the consumer relationship to become more than just the casual hi and bye, you must supply the reasons. Make your business a part of their daily lives and something that purely integrates into their lifestyle. The ultimate ambition is to be such a dominant factor in the way consumers behave and interact with the world that your business just becomes a part of who they are.
An Island for Me
Users who can build their own profiles inside the channels you provide are much more likely to see your business as part of their everyday life. Previously, businesses have wanted to keep customers at bay by offering what they want but never allowing them to become a part of them. So what if you could give consumers a chance to build their own island in your empire? As the Roman Empire gave their loyal subjects and courageous soldiers a reward of land for their service, so too should your business to your customers.
A basic profile won’t do anymore either, personalization in how they interact and use your business is paramount. Take a look at Spotify for example, not only can you make your own profile that displays your interests and popular music choices, you can also make your own playlists, archive songs so you can pick them up later, mount up a history of songs you’ve listened to so at any time you can go back, use private listening sessions to hide your activity, etc. It’s all about personalization and having more freedom to use your products and services how they want to. It’s a great new world where consumers are literally teaching businesses what they like and how they want to use them. In a sense, consumers do the work for you in telling you how their lives would be made easier.
Photo courtesy of Lakexyde via Pixabay
Uniqueness and Usability
Usability is not to be confused with user experience as both do lead to one another but are not one and the same. Usability refers to how well the tools being utilized by consumers achieve their aims. Categorically speaking it measures the effectiveness, satisfaction and efficiency of those tools. It’s little wonder that a custom software company is the first choice for small businesses that want to create the ultimate experience.
Manufactured to your exact specifications, a team of dedicated developers is at your disposal. The team leader or project manager will constantly keep you up to date with any bugs that arise during and after the initial development stages. After deciding the platform, you will get a choice of technologies, i.e. frameworks to choose from. Frameworks are going to be the tools that allow the various features of your website to exist and express your capabilities. These involve dedicated search engines, picture galleries and video players etc.
The team will also be happy to advise you personally on what kind of software would be best for your type of business and your aims. For example, Ruby on Rails might be better-suited for how you want customers to view products because of the way it showcases models. Database structures are also going to be mapped into the software so you can give customers security within your website. Each project goes through a set procedure that is monitored by quality assurance specialists, so nothing gets swept under the rug, and every bit of the development, large or small, is attended to equally.
The modern day business must be like a honey trap. Everybody knows the stakes of not providing customers ways in which they can personalize and customize how they use your business. No matter how many free thinkers you have in your boardroom, sometimes it’s just better to let the consumers do the thinking for you. A custom software expresses the unique ways in which your products and services operate. Giving consumers a flavor of what they can have by making their way through an intricately designed website keeps them glued to the screen.