Your website is at the heart of your digital marketing endeavours, and is the first point of contact the business offers for users across the globe. Making sure those users have a really great experience when browsing through your virtual store should be one of your top priorities. With these helpful tips and tricks you can ensure your website serves it purpose and reaches its full potential.
Improve Page Loading
Ensuring every page on your site loads in several different browsers in a timely manner is one of the first key points to consider. With the rise of different platforms users will be accessing your site via a range of devices, and it’s up to you to provide adaptations so it makes the most of each environment. If your website takes more than a couple of seconds to load, it’s likely the user will lose faith or interest and simply hit the back button. However, you can prevent this from happening by doing simple tasks like compressing the images you would like to use to a smaller file size, avoiding lengthy text posts and choosing a more simple design.
Stick To The Theme
Web design is important, and being consistent with a set theme throughout your site will improve its overall aesthetic value whilst also making it easier to confidently navigate. Factors that should be kept the same include color schemes, style of buttons, and font choice, as the user can acknowledge they remain on your site when all of these aspects are continued throughout. When everything is mismatched, the user may begin to feel a little confused, and less likely to bring their custom as a badly designed site probably means a badly made product.
Pay Attention To Research
There are many ways you can evaluate your current system and alter it to suit modern customer needs, but possibly the easiest option is to outsource a UX testing platform in order to discover the way in which users interact with your site. You can then take steps to resolve any possible issues you may have found, and optimize your site to reach is full potential. See what other businesses within your industry’s sites are like, and tailor yours to include everything possible that the customer might expect.
Use Hyperlinks
By implementing some hyperlinks connecting to your other pages in menus or within blocks of text, you can encourage users to navigate around your entire site and view everything your business has to offer. It’s very simple to differentiate general information from a hyperlink, as most people understand the universal language of underlining and using a blue text colour. Evaluate the length of your hyperlink as you don’t want it to be too short to notice or select on a smaller screen.
Hopefully the information above can get the ball rolling and help you make the most of your website. Its open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, so it’s important to ensure it does its job.