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In a perfect world, you would never have to quit your job or even think about quitting it. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world. We live in a world where sometimes we can’t quit even when we want to. But it’s important to realize that quitting isn’t always your only option. Here, we’re going to look at a few difficult situations and whether you should take it as your sign to pack up and go or just change things by staying where you are.
You’re losing passion for your field
Sometimes, it isn’t just the job, but it seems to be the whole career that isn’t quite going how you hoped it might. You may feel inclined to look for a career change and sometimes that can be exactly the right move to make. But think about what exactly you wanted from your current career in the first place. Is it a question of workload? Are you spending less time doing what you started this career to do in the first place? If so, think about talking to your boss about what your responsibilities are, what they’re supposed to be, what potential methods of cutting out the busy work that gets in the way.
You’re stagnating
A good piece of advice is to always look for the mobility in a job. The chance of a promotion, the opportunity to learn more skills that can take you to new places. If you don’t have those, you are officially in a dead-end job. But your job might not be dead-ended intentionally. Your employer should have a development plan for all of their employees, especially those who show an active interest in progressing. But, since they don’t and you’re stagnating, you have to take it into your own hands. Check out–cms-25039 and work from the provided template to structure
your request for some new development as professionally as possible.
The feedback loop is nonexistent
You might be perfectly happy where you are at the moment, if only you were actually getting some feedback on the work you’re doing. Without feedback, it can be difficult to gauge whether or not you’re contributing as well as you should be. What’s more, getting feedback can mean getting recognition, which is just as important as training when it comes to opening new doors in your career. Again, a professional, clearly-worded email can do all kinds of wonders for you. If you get no response or if your boss offers some initial feedback but stops, then it might be time to realize that you’re not in the right job. If a boss treats you like you’re not self-sufficient because you want feedback, that’s a sign to run away at full-speed.
Photo courtesy of Pixabay via Pexels
Your boss has no concern for your rights
There are a few rights you are absolutely guaranteed to have in the workplace. The right to a workplace free of harassment and bullying. The right to fair pay that meets the parameters set out in the employment contract. The right to a safe working environment. If the employer fails in any of these, it could be the sign of a workplace that doesn’t treat its employees with due respect. But before or instead of quitting, hold them accountable. This list of cases at shows the everyday reality that employees can win legal action against employers that fail to protect their rights. Beyond helping you pay the damages that breaching these rights can cause, it can make those who run the business take a much closer look at the issues and how to stop them from manifesting in future. What’s more, if you like your job and you want to stay, you are legally protected against retaliation for any legal action.
The workplace is toxic
Sometimes, the wrongdoings in the office might not be as clear-cut as harassment or unsafe conditions leading to harassment. A lack of accountability, a hyper-competitive team, poor communication, these are all signs that a workplace is toxic as shown by Over time, the stress that such a place causes can get chronic, which is real cause for concern. If you bring up workplace toxicity and your boss does nothing about it, it’s time to get out.
The business is in deep water
Perhaps you’re concerned that the business is in trouble that goes a lot deeper than just you. Are the telltale signs of a sinking business all there? Is there a huge turnover rate with people leaving and joining all the time? Is overtime not just an irregular occurrence but a constant need? Is the business majorly restructuring? Is everyone under pressure and clear about it? One of these issues on their own might not mean anything too serious. But if you start seeing two or more real red flags pop up, it might be time to think about jumping ship before it’s entirely underwater.
Photo courtesy of Lukas via Pixabay
People want you much more
Perhaps it’s a happy occasion and you find you’ve been offered a job. Often, this will happen through a headhunter representing another business. When that happens, curb your enthusiasm a little. Be aware that many headhunters will find people that their client or employer isn’t even aware of. You might be getting offered a cushy position with lots of opportunity, but in reality, you’re one of many that have to interview for it. The headhunter could be getting paid to find suitable applicants, not you, specifically. Check out that the headhunter is legitimate, that they have a proven track record with an employer, or that there’s a contract waiting for you, not an interview.
If none of the tips above can help you deal with difficulty in your position, or there simply isn’t anything you can do about the problems, then it might be time to gather some courage and leave your job. It’s a good idea to get something set up before you leave, however, or at least have an emergency fund saved up to keep you supported during your search.