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Old age affects us all differently, but quite a few people find that they become a lot more frail and unstable on their feet as they get older. Some people are also a lot more susceptible to certain debilitating illnesses, such as arthritis and joint diseases. As a result, quite a few elderly people suffer from limited mobility.
There are many people who currently care for their elderly relatives, and these mobility issues can make things a lot more difficult. However, here are some ways you can help your relatives enjoy a happier and more comfortable old age even with mobility problems.
Get A Disabled Sticker for the Car
One way you can make it easier for your relative to get out and about is to get a disabled sticker for a car. If they still drive, they can use this sticker to take disabled car-parking spaces, which are often larger making it easier to get in and out of the car. They are also normally close to the entrances of shops and offices. Even if they don’t drive, they should still get a sticker as they can put it in a car if they regularly get lifts anywhere.
Ask Their Doctor about Mobility Aids
Once your relative begins to suffer from mobility issues, it’s a good idea to speak with their doctor to see is there are any mobility aids that could help them walk. For instance, there might be zimmer frames or walking sticks available from your local hospital or doctor’s surgery. If your relative’s mobility gets particularly bad, your doctor can put them on the waiting list for a wheelchair.
Home Adjustments
Your relative might also benefit from some adjustments made in their home. There are various changes that can be made to help the elderly move around their home a lot easier. For instance, a ramp can be added to the main entrance so that it is easy to get a wheelchair in. Handrails can also be added to the walls up staircases.
Get Some Professional Help
Some families decide to get help from firms like Employ Social Care to help support their elderly relatives. There are different types of social care available, but one of the most popular is getting nurses to help patients in their own home. If you are interested in finding out more about social care, you should speak to your family doctor about the different options.
Help Your Relative Overcome Their Frustrations
As your relative gets older and frailer, they will probably get very frustrated with their lack of mobility. After all, it is a very difficult thing to get used to, and they may feel like they have lost their independence. One way they can overcome this frustration is by joining a support group. Not only will the group offer them a chance to vent all their emotions, but they might also meet new friends from joining group sessions.
You shouldn’t struggle when you are caring for a relative with mobility problems – as you can see there are plenty of solutions.