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While running a business is an effective way to grow your wealth and start a fresh new career, it can also be incredibly expensive and difficult to run if you’re not entirely sure what you’re doing. Sadly, this is just the reality of running a business and most people go into entrepreneurship without really thinking about their long-term goals or how they plan to achieve them.
Although there are plenty of tips to follow if you want to cut down on your expenses, one of the best ways to make your business cheaper to run is to lower your expenses.
The less your business costs to run, the more money you have to work with. You can use your money for things such as growing the business, promotional materials, exposing your brand and so on. The more capital you have as a result of lower expenses, the higher the chance of you being able to grow your business. It’s easy to grasp this concept, but actually pulling it off can be tricky.
In this article, we’re going to go through several different ways that you can lower your startup costs to make running a business easier and more affordable.
Photo courtesy off Snapwire via Pexels
Cheaper Ways to Purchase Equipment
Business equipment is perhaps one of the most expensive parts of owning a business. If you’re serious about your company then you’ll understand that equipment such as computers and machinery are going to have a slow return on investment, but they enable you to do so much more with your company. The best way to purchase equipment is to look at cheaper solutions instead of simply going straight to the manufacturer or retail stores.
For instance, auctions at can be a great way to purchase high-end equipment for low-end prices. Many companies auction off their assets once their business is closed and it’s a good chance to pick up some industry-standard equipment for your business to utilize. Not only is it great for obtaining equipment, but you could also sell equipment if you have no more use for something. This is a fantastic way to make money back on your initial investment and it’s a good way to upgrade old equipment.
Reducing Payroll Costs
There are several ways to reduce your payroll costs but it does take a lot of restructuring especially if you’re already months into your startup. As shown in this article from, money isn’t the only way to pay your staff. Sadly, you might not have more than money to offer your staff, so here are a couple of ways to effectively reduce your payroll costs.
- Motivated employees work harder – Employees who are motivated to work will generally be cheaper and more effective.
- Pay your staff for their work – Sounds obvious, but pay your staff for the work they actually do and not for the time they’re clocked on. This encourages staff to actually work instead of stretching out their hours just to get paid.
- Outsource more of your tasks – Outsourcing is a great way to pay for one-time tasks. Freelancers are brilliant for this and far cheaper than hiring a new member of staff (at least, in most cases).
- Don’t overstaff your company – Make sure your staff are actually working and that you’re in need of staff instead of hiring a new member because the rest of your workforce is lazy. Overstaffing usually leads to some frustrating issues so make sure you keep an eye on how much effort your existing employees are putting in.
Photo courtesy of Tranmautritam via Pexels
Focusing on Efficiency
Efficiency is one of the most important factors to consider when reducing startup costs. Inefficient methods such as using paper documents and workflows are going to cost more money and make it harder for you to grow your company. Look at various articles such as this one at to learn how you can go paperless and create an office that is more efficient and costs less to run. If you’re not thinking about efficiency then it’s time to shift your mentality in order to save money.
Restructuring Your Office
The way your office runs will drastically affect your workflow. As seen in this article from, it’s important to think about the way your business flows. From communication to organization and even the physical layout of your company, there are many different factors to keep in mind when your business office is concerned. Make sure that information in your business has a simple way to flow, and try to focus on efficiency (as demonstrated in the last point). If you feel like restructuring your office could be a good way to reduce your startup costs, then it’s typically worth any initial investment that it might require.
Photo courtesy of Burst via Pixabay
Tracking Every Penny
Keeping an eye on your budget is an incredibly important component of any money-saving startup strategy. Luckily, this can be made easy with the help of business budgeting software or by hiring an accountant. By keeping an eye on your capital and your expenses, you can find ways to cut down on certain expenses. For instance, if you discover that one of your suppliers has charged you extra due to a mistake or that you’ve overpaid an employee for overtime they never did, then you can step in and remedy this issue. Although it sounds like a small amount of money, these mistakes can add up and create a huge void in your budget.
Looking for Alternatives
Lastly, make sure you look for alternatives. Every piece of business software you install and every type of machine you buy probably has a cheaper alternative. If you’ve been looking for these alternatives and spot something that is of better value and offers similar features, then you may want to consider swapping to something that costs less to run and offers more options. Always seek alternatives to everything you do in business in order to lower the costs of running your company.