This is a contributor’s blogpost …
There is always that worry of getting to that midpoint of our lives, the midlife crisis. It can happen to people at different ages. There is no set time for people to start feeling this pang of uncertainty in life. It might be in your thirties, forties, or fifties, even beyond if you are lucky enough. But at some point we will all start to worry about whether we have done enough in our lives and want to make some drastic changes. Would you believe that a career change could be the answer? Giving you a new sense of achievement, a goal, and a different set of challenges, it could be the answer to all of your prayers. So if you are after some inspiration, here are a few career options you could consider that require very little fuss to get you started.
Embrace an online career
Have you heard of a blog? Well you must have because you are reading this. But in all seriousness, a few years ago the word blog would have had people unsure of what you’re talking about. But now, people are making careers out of them. Whether they are writing content and sharing tips, creating YouTube videos about their lives or what they have recently bought, or even sharing snippets of a lifestyle on social media platforms like Instagram, the digital career is becoming a real possibility. Could it be something that you’d do?
Have you always had a head for numbers?
Did you enjoy Mathematics when you were in school? If you have a head for numbers and really enjoy calculating and problem solving, why not make it your job? You can obtain an online bachelors degree in Accounting, which can give you a solid platform for a job as an accountant. You could also consider a job in teaching, economics and politics, so the options are wide open.
Could working in public service be the answer?
Maybe you like the idea of working in public service. Perhaps as a law enforcer in the police, or maybe in the fire service? Working in public service is easier to get into, as most of it requires on-the-job training rather than having any specific degrees or courses beforehand. You may have to take entry level tests, but that might be the only requirement so it could be a real option for a career change and one with great job satisfaction possibilities.
Maybe caring for people is what you really want to do
Finally, maybe you love the idea of caring for people and so would want to work perhaps as a healthcare professional, in nursing, or with the elderly or children. This line of work is so open that there are many possibilities to consider.
I hope that this has given you something to think about when it comes to your career.